Student Academic Progress, is in place to help teachers monitor student academic growth and development. The goal of this standard is to ensure that students are not falling through the cracks of the education system and to encourage academic success. The objective of the standard is met by teachers using data to monitor student achievement and tailor lesson content and delivery to meet students’ academic needs. The purpose of the standard is to ensure that students receive quality education that is tailored for their success.
Professional Practice Standard 7: Student Academic Progress
Before beginning their unit on Realism/Regionalism/Naturalism, students were given a pre-test on MLA citations. This was important, because the students began the unit with a research project. Based on the data gathered, I was able to determine which information students needed the most help with by creating a tally of their answers. After submitting the project, students were given a post-test. The post-test showed that students improved significantly on their understanding of the subject. For more detailed information, please see the full report.

On another assignment, students were given a detailed rubric in order to complete their research project. Students were formatively assessed on their work using the rubric prior to receiving their final evaluation. As a result, student grades increased.