An important part of teaching is providing students with a classroom that is safe, respectful, and conductive to learning. In order to create such an learning environment, it is necessary that educators demonstrate an understanding of, and apply with fidelity, effective behavior management strategies and evidence-based practices to their classrooms. The implementation of such strategies creates a structured and respectful atmosphere that is essential for student learning.
Professional Practice Standard 5: Learning Environment

In order for students to gain additional reading comprehension while reading Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible”, the students acted out a portion of the courtroom scene in Act III. The students were able to engage with the story, as well as gain proficiency in script reading.

In a lesson on Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods, which features backpacking and wilderness experiences, I had brought in a number of visuals, including a pack and a map of the Appalachian Trail. Students were encouraged to get up and explore the items before reading the story.