Instructional Planning

Student learning data that is collected over the course of a school year has the potential to shape instructional planning in such a way that teachers continue to provide the most effective lessons designed to meet their students’ individual needs for academic achievement and success. Instead of letting the test determine the lesson, effective teachers use the data to adjust their lessons so that they are able to teach the necessary skills, curriculum, and content knowledge that are essential for student success. This enables to teachers to apply methods such as differentiation, best practices, and multimodal texts in order to effectively scaffold student learning.

Professional Practice Standard 2: Instructional Planning


During my student teaching, I developed lessons that utilized a variety of teaching strategies, met Bloom’s taxonomy, and engaged the multiple intelligences.

In order to enhance student learning and retention of vocabulary words, I created a series of PowerPoint presentations that, not only defined the terms, but provided unique and relevant examples.

This Edgar Allan Poe Text Set uses  multimodal texts , arranged according to the Flesch-Kinkaid reading level, in order to aid in differentiation, appealing to students’ reading levels and interests.